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how to install vmware on backtrack
First of all so as not to disrupt the first operating system to install VMware on your computer
VMware and how to install it
VMware Workstation is a virtual machine software for x86 architecture computers and x86-64 from VMware, a part of EMC Corporation. This software is used to create many virtual computers are x86 and x86-64 and used in conjunction with the operating system used. Each virtual machine can run a selected operating systems, like Windows, Linux, BSD variants, and so on. In the simplest sense, VMware workstation can run many operating systems simulatan using a single physical machine.
The version launched
01/11/2001 - VMware Workstation 3.0 was released.
04/09/2002 - Workstation 3.1 was launched at Microsoft Tech-Ed 2002
23-03-2003 - Workstation version 4.0 was launched.
04/05/2004 - announces the release version of VMware Workstation 4.5.
04/11/2005 - Workstation version 5.0 was launched.
09/12/2005 - VMware Workstation update to version 5.5.
09/05/2007 - VMware Workstation release version 6.0.
23-09-2008 - VMware Workstation version 6.5.0 release
21-11-2008 - VMware Workstation version 6.5.1 release
31-03-2009 - VMware Workstation version 6.5.2 release
20-08-2009 - VMware Workstation version 6.5.3 release
26-10-2009 - VMware Workstation release version 7
29-01-2010 - VMware Workstation version 7.0.1 release
Set the Virtual Virtual Machine (VMware)
a. The virtual machine settings on the PC
b. Connected to the network through Acses point (in this case the Linksys)
c. Settinglah IP virtual PC Computer (For example: ifconfig eth0
d. Chek Active and MAC Addressnya kompter in the network. (For example, ping
The following command is entered:
ip config / all -> (windost, host, mac address, IP address)
nmap - Sp -254 -> for host linking menchek
nmap -0 -254
-254 nmap-OS
starx -> linux command to change the graph display
then do a log by: telnet_its own IP -> get (input his username and password).
Learn Backtrack and use according to your needs
BackTrack 4 R2 - BackTrack is a lightweight distro particularly feature-rich applications related to testing the security of a system. For the hackers, BackTrack certainly familiar. It is a collection of devices that can be counted on to meet their needs.
The latest version is close to the Knoppix distro Slax and Backtrack 4 R2 was released on November 22 last year. Offensive Security BackTrack 4 R2 package with Linux kernel, KDE 3.5 desktop environment, the web browser Mozilla Firefox 3.0.15 security and package testing applications that can we mention them Inguma 0.1.1, Saptyo 0.99, SET 2.0, Fast-Track 4.0 , Foremost 1.5.7, Magic Rescue 1.1.5, RarCrack! 0.2 and many others.
For those of you who are interested to install BackTrack 4 R2, please follow these guidelines the following figure. Guide to install BackTrack 4 R2 we present easy as possible with hopes for beginners who want to follow how to install BackTrack 4 R2 is no trouble.
Prepare the devices needed, BackTrack 4 R2 installer you can download via www.backtrack-linux.org. For beginners we recommend to install on a blank hard drive, so the risk of losing data or important files can be avoided if an error occurs.
Enter the Installer Backtrack 4 R2 into the CD / DVD drive and restart the computer and set the BIOS to use the media CD / DVD as first boot device.
On the menu that appears, please select what mode you want to use. In this example we meilih second option "Start BackTrack framebuffer (800x600 )"...
Next you will be brought into the command prompt, type "startx" without the quotes and press enter to run the graphical desktop mode .
Start the installation by way mengkik "install.sh" contained in the upper left corner of the desktop BackTrack 4 R2. Choose a place where you live lau press the "Forward" to continue .
On the choice of keyboard settings, proceed just by pressing the "Forward". On the "Prepare disk space" plih second option "Manual" to create partitions manually.
In this example, we use the hard drive is detected as / dev / sda, please adjust to the hard drive is detected as what you use (/ dev / hda, / dev / hdb, / dev/hd0, / dev/hd1 or otherwise). Select the hard drive and press the "New partition table" if the hard drive being used is new or has not been partitioned before. If the confirmation window is displayed, press the "Continue" to proceed
Select the "free space" and press the "New partition" to create a partition "swap". In the window "Create partition", select "Primary" on the option "Type for the new partition", enter the amount capacity swap partition you want to use the option "New partition size ..." in units of megabytes, in this example we enter the value 1024 (less than 1GB). In the option "Use as" select "swap area" and click "OK" button.
Select the "free space" and press the "New partition" to create a partition "/". In the window "Create partition", select "Primary" on the option "Type for the new partition", enter the amount capacity partition "/" you want to use the option "New partition size ..." in units of megabytes, in this example we insert the value 10000 (about 9GB). In the option "Use as" select "jurnaling ext3 file system", the option "Mount point" select "/" then click "OK"
Select the "free space" and press the "New partition" to create a partition "/ home". In the window "Create partition", select "Primary" on the option "Type for the new partition", enter the amount capacity partition "/ home" that you want to use the option "New partition size ..." in units of megabytes, in this example we insert the value 10 446 (approximately 10GB). In the option "Use as" select "jurnaling ext3 file system", the option "Mount point" select "/ home" and then click the "OK"
All the needed partitions are ready, press the "Forward" to continue ...
On the "Ready to install" make sure "Boot loader" installed on the MBR first hard drive that you use in a way mengkik the "Advanced ..", in this example we chose "/ dev / sda" because of our hard drives recognized by the BackTrack 4 R2 as sda. Click "Install" to continue the installation ...
Tunggunlah completed until the installation process and then restart the computer after a confirmation dialog is displayed ...
After the computer restarted, you will be prompted to login. Type "root" without quotes and press enter, when prompted to enter a password, type "toor" without the quotes (the password is typed will not be displayed on the screen) and press enter ...
You will be brought into the root system sebaga shown marked with like-this article
Type "startx" without the quotes to run the graphical desktop mode ..
After running the KDE desktop, you should blindly new user. We do not recommend you to always use the root user when working on any Linux system. To create a new user on BackTrack 4 R2, click on the KDE start menu (bottom left icon), select menu "System" then select "Users and Groups" window to display the "Users Settings" ...
In the "Users Settings" press the "Add User" to add a new user. Please enter your Username, Real name and password that you want to use ...
Once the new user is created, click the "Close" ...
Please logout from current session and then log back in with a user that you just created.
BackTrack 4 R2 desktop now ready to use
good luck.
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