Defeat Fire iPad Kindle Popularity

Fire as the emergence Kindle Amazon's tablet device is relatively new in the tablet market. However, its popularity has now been able to match the iPad.

According to a study conducted Retrevo, the current tablet users prefer to use a Kindle Fire than 7-inch Apple iPad which is the mainstay.

A percentage of sales difference was not far adrift. Looks like the price of USD199 Kindle Fire which is quite cheap to be one cause of its sales success. In fact, Amazon should provide millions of tablets for the pre-order.

Retrevo ask questions to some people that is, whether they know about the Kindle Fire and willing to buy these tablets in this holiday shopping season?

As many as 35 percent said it was still not able to distinguish the Amazon Kindle Fire as a tablet or an e-reader. While 32 percent already know if the Kindle Fire is a tablet and 32 percent said they do not know. It is quoted by Softpedia, Friday (11/11/2011).

Amazon is memnag tablet not sold as a whole and at least in the near future, will enter the global market.

According to Retrevo, 27 percent of people who already have a tablet, eager to have a Kindle Fire if it is sold. While 20 percent still intend to have the iPad.

In terms of size of 12 percent of those who do not have a Kindle tablet is more interested in having a Fire and 10 percent of them still choose the iPad. Kindle Fire may seem superior, such as image quality, battery life and overall kenerja that offer more features favorites.

Presumably Apple will make a surprise to further strengthen their dominance in tablet sales next year by presenting the iPad 3.

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